Mist (Light Grey) Wave Texture Flannel 108in Wide Back from Benartex 2966WB-18 - Copy
Red Wave Texture Flannel 108in Wide Back from Benartex 2966WB-19
The Original Morris & Co. 108in Backing Fabric - Strawberry Thief - Navy || QBWM001.NAVY
The Original Morris & Co. 108in Wide Backing Fabric -Pure Willow Boughs - Linen || QBWM008.LINEN
Muslin Prints 108in Wide – G/W - 1250W-146
Essentials Dry Brush Matcha Dry Brush 108in Wideback
Stonehenge Mountain Mist 108in Wide from Northcott Fabrics
Stonehenge Blue Lagoon 108" Wide - Night Shade B26800-44
Stonehenge Surfaces Brown 108" Wide Back from Northcott
Multi Abstract Allover 108in Wide Back
Blue/Multi Large Paint Spots 108in Wide Back
Kansas Troubles Navy 108in Wide Back from Moda 511167-24
Navy Mirage 108in Wide Back from Wilmington 8300-444
Red Mirage 108in Wide Back from Wilmington Prints
Cream Collage 108in Wide Back from Marcus Fabrics - R360757D-CREAM
Ripples 108" Multi Pink Wide Backings - 2037A by Kennard & Kennard Fabrics
Ripples 108" Red Wide Backings - 2037E by Kennard & Kennard Fabrics
Ripples 108" Multi Green Wide Backings - 2037C by Kennard & Kennard Fabrics
Field Floral 108in Wide Back Denim - 16389WB-53 from Benartex
Field Floral 108in Wide Back White/Grey - 16389WB-09 from Benartex
Back It With Banyan - Sapphire - B83187-467
Back It With Banyan - Tropical Splash B83186-621
Kona Cotton Navy 108in Wide K082-1243
Jazzed 108" Wide Royal - 8019-77
Jazzed 108" Wide Pigment White - 8019-01W
Crescent 108" Wide Sage - B-2970-66
Crescent 108" Wide Navy - B-2970-77
Crescent 108" Wide Purple - B-2970-55
JotDot 108" Wide Red - 1230-88
Rose Garden Green Rose Whispers 108" Wide